There has been a lot of debate about how the industry and our shopping behaviour need to change. Some people believe that the production chain needs to change first, and others say that the consumer has the power to change the demand. I think the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but what we can do as a consumer is investing in businesses that put in the effort to make a difference for our planet and its inhibitors (yes that includes us ;)).
One of the very first changes I made around the house when I decided I wanted to be more sustainable, has been beeswax food wraps. They replace a lot of different products in the kitchen like clingfilm, aluminium foil, and plastic bags. It has also saved me money I would have spent on disposable products otherwise, which is a win for me and the planet. It has also changed my views on storing food and meal prepping. Now I enjoy this process much more, less food is wasted. But what my all-time favourite thing has been about making this change is that I support a small business.
In this day and age, we have gotten so far removed from our local communities. Buying products on the other side of the world and receiving them as a package has become normal. The impact of these purchases is often overlooked. I think we should consider purchasing products closer to home so we can lower CO2 emission and live greener.
Earthastic was the very first brand that gifted me a product when I started my blog and Instagram account. I'm so excited to share with you that they are doing well and that they are expanding. More products are coming online including some chocolate that you can feel good about. Earthastic believes there is a way to offer people brilliant products while at the same time being kind to the planet. In my opinion, a company that sets a perfect example of where you can shop in a more responsible way.
Still not convinced by this delicious-looking chocolate? Here are 5 reasons to shop small and local:
1. You make someone’s day
Shopping small directly means you are making someone’s day. And who doesn’t love doing that? Rather than filling the pockets of a CEO somewhere, you can make a change by carefully considering where you want to spend your money. And yes, that small business owner will probably be jumping for joy with another sale.
2. Creates job opportunities
When a small business grows, it will sooner create new job opportunities than a big corporation would. These jobs will also often be filled with local people, so you strengthen your local economy and support your local community.
3. Better customer service
Small businesses are usually owned by an individual who is very passionate about what they do. You can therefore assume that you will get expert advice and support whenever needed. My personal experience shopping small has really confirmed this for me. Whenever there is an issue it is solved with so much care and in a very timely manner since you aren’t customer 105837282.
4. Innovative products
As stated before, a product from small businesses is usually designed and/or created by a passionate individual. This is where innovation happens! The products I’ve tried, like the food wraps I briefly mentioned at the beginning of this blog, are made with such craftsmanship it is truly inspiring. It also often means products are more durable and will last a long time.
5. A healthier environment
Shopping small often means shopping closer to home. This reduces the carbon footprint. The more people shop local and small the happier our planet will be.
I hope these reasons will make you pause and reflect on how you can make a difference for other people.
Earthastic has been so kind as to give me a discount code to share with my Dutch followers. Use inge10 for a 10% discount across their whole range. Good for your wallet and the planet ;).
I’m looking forward to hearing about what you already have or will shop small in the future.
Yours in sustainability,